Dec 15, 2007

Dreams of Open SIP Proxies and Public ENUM

I am so excited about some recent discoveries in relation to Peering! At we peer with more networks every day!

Here are my hopes about Peering and ENUM from the USA perspective.
FCC should MANDATE that ALL SIP NETWORKS ARE OPEN AND FORCE ALL VOIP PROVIDERS TO PARTICIPATE IN PUBLIC ENUM! This would completely eliminate fees paid to the incumbent telephone providers on VoIP to VoIP calls, as they are the ones reaping the benefits of the settlement fees from DIDs they control. Of course the Vonages of the world do not want that as they are sharing those settlement fees. What the Vonages of the world are doing is a bastardization of SIP. They are not allowing direct inbound SIP calls , nor do they participate in ENUM. Vonage has taken aim at ISPs who block or hinder VoIP, so we as consumers should take aim at the Vonages who are blocking inbound open SIP calls. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

More and more companies are appearing that are Private Peering companies with Private ENUM databases. This only represents a shift in who is making the money and does not benefit the end user. The consumer pays the same if the private peering company is making the money or XO.


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